While no organization would in its right mind want to burn-out its employees, many of them inadvertently end up doing so. A survey was anchored by Deloitte recently to understand this phenomenon, where sadly it came to be realized that more than three-fourths of respondents had experienced such burnout. This is true even though a higher figure had even confirmed at feeling passionate about their work. About two-thirds had felt workplace stress and a similar figure is unhappy with the efforts taken by the employer. A fifth even went as far to state that no corporate training programmes were arranged to combat this stress. The Deloitte survey brought out some key recommendations which companies would be well advised to follow in this regard. For a start, real weekends and holidays need be encouraged. A culture must be created where the achievements are celebrated and good deeds recognized.


Uploaded Date:09 August 2018

It is well-known through multiple studies now conducted that multicultural teams boost creativity, which in turn is ideal for stimulating business innovations. However, what is less well-known is the process of doing it. As, instead of the benefits, a situation may even arise where the linguistic and cultural barriers lead to outright conflicts. That is where the role of cultural brokers becomes especially important. So, a study was conducted by a team from INSEAD to gauge this process. There are two kinds of such brokers- cultural insiders and cultural outsiders. The former, are those who share some cultural background common with members in the group, while the latter belong to a totally new community. It was realized during the study that the effectiveness of both these groups is equal when it comes to fostering positive collaboration. There also exist two kinds of such brokerage, which are the integrating and eliciting styles. Interestingly, it was found out that cultural insiders preferred the integrating style, while the outsiders elicited ideas from elsewhere. The cultural differences are never navigated in isolation. Some cultural brokers emerge naturally.


Uploaded Date:28 July 2018

There are three human behaviours that need to be further tapped into so collaborative business innovations may be developed. First of all, one must remain humble enough to accept vulnerability. This will allow one to ask inquisitive questions. Challenging others must always remain a comfortable area. One must remain confident enough about work to not hesitate accepting feedback. These in turn fuel three kinds of arguments which need to be clarified. There are politically-correct arguments where nothing gets resolved. Another type is destructive conflict. Here everything is taken too personally, so one ends up self-destructing. The best kind of conflict is constructive. Nothing remains personal now. Instead one tries to seek answers in collaboration with others around.


Uploaded Date:24 July 2018

Gone are the days when one’s degrees would hold true for an entire career. Now the knowledge gained through degrees gets ripped off every few years due to the constant churn in technological prowess. Skills get redundant and newer ones are created overnight with massive demand. Thus, as CEB puts it, the best of organizations these days are the ones that inculcate a habit of continuous learning. Some recommendations have been put forth to ensure this happening, starting with a reward system for those employees willing to take up continuous learning. A one-off corporate training session will not do, but the insights gained form it need to be implemented at work and continuously improvised with change in situations. A proper feedback loop needs to be established where employees get meaningful insights on their work. The top team needs to lead by example by themselves enrolling in courses or showing a desire to learn newer arts and skills. The talent recruitment also needs to be tweaked along such lines. Companies must hire people who show signs of inquisitiveness and learnability.


Uploaded Date:21 July 2018

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