2017 like the last few years will continue to throw up surprises but social media marketing will continue to grow at an electric pace. Some new trends may be predicted for this field in the coming year. While YouTube has been around for more than a decade now, the use of live streaming in digital marketing has only just started taking off. 2017 promises to be a year where this trend continues going north with the likes of Facebook Live, Meerkat, Snapchat and Periscope at the cutting edge of this field. Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Learning is another field which will pose major challenges but also provide massive opportunities in 2017. Instead of long wordy content, short precise stuff will be preferred through media such as Twitter or Instagram. Facebook bought Whatsapp, Oculus Rift and Instagram while Microsoft took over LinkedIn. Consolidations are on the rise in the social media industry, they will continue to go up, so either the smaller players accept the money on offer to differentiate further to leverage their niche. A major part of marketing will see automation in 2017. In fact, a vast majority of small businesses are already losing money every month for not adopting automating techniques, a trend that will surely reverse with many more of them adopting the same in 2017.



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