A lot of mundane, repetitive jobs have started getting outsourced to machines, and this trend will continue, thus allowing humans to focus more on cognitive or creative tasks. A recent report by the World Economic Forum (WEF) predicts that two of the most important skills required in 2015- quality control and active listening- drop away in the 2020 list replaced by emotional intelligence and cognitive flexibility as the former will now be performed by machines. Creativity however jumps from ten to three. The next-gen creativity will also include logical reasoning and problem sensitivity. In order to lead business innovation and transformation over the next few years, certain steps have been outlined beginning with first drawing the boundaries around which one may play along and others where no changes ought to be made. One must understand that talent management and retention is not about physicals like buying foosball tables, but about curating an environment where creativity is accorded top status. There will be cases where one needs to deviate from the plans, so appropriate improvisation must be done. Instead of always seeking the solutions, one must know to ask the right questions. Once problems are identified, solutions will emerge over time.


Uploaded Date:18 November 2017

A study conducted has deduced four modes of thinking. They are Defeatist, Sustainer, Dreamer and Opportunity. In the Defeatist mode, negative thoughts fill one’s mind result in low levels of imaginative, not conducive for ideating or implementing business innovations. The second mode mentioned puts life on autopilot mode. This is ideal for execution of repetitive tasks but again is not highly receptive to innovations. The third mode Dreamer as the name suggests is one where the pleasure state is highest and new thoughts continuously brim in one’s mind. The fourth one Opportunity mode is related to the third one but here instead of just dreaming up, one embraces the opportunities as available. There is scope for improvement in all these models, so four such have been collated. First of all, one must do thins self-exercise frequently to test where one stands. Whenever ideas come up, one must take them on to try and win. While getting pessimistic, one needs to simply count ten good things in life such as one’s friends and relations. Ten reasons to keep oneself happy must be forever embedded in the mind and repeatedly relayed on in case of any doubts. Finally, one needs to allow the inherent Dreamer mode to come alive. A technique known as WIBGI has been known to help as it stands for “wouldn’t it be great if”.


Uploaded Date:21 October 2017


When a person is new at a job, initially he/she has a lot of questions to ask and a lot of new to learn. Eventually, the pattern settles in and establishes into a groove. But dangerously, this groove can often transform into a rut where all creativity escapes the system. It can typically set in when a recurring pattern gets established at work, obstacles can be observed at all times or when a lack of self-importance sets in. It can also happen when there is a need to conform with the crowd or any idea is rejected simply because it failed earlier under a different avatar. At such instances, certain techniques are known to be helpful to escape this rut. One of them is to think something new. Instead of fearing obstacles, they must be embraced as the best of business innovations occur when the need arises to change. One must seek out intersections between various departments as it is at such points that the best of creative juices emerge out. And in today’s sharing economy, it is always a good idea to not let information rot in silos, but to share the data available.


Uploaded Date:07/07/2017

There are certain factors hindering the fruition of creativity at organizations. Especially true about the American mindset is a near blind belief in government policies where people want these to work. Unfortunately, in the real world, none of the policies can have instant results, they require time to bed. Thus there is zero tolerance for bugs to be weeded out gradually. There is also a generational issue. It was expected that the millennial generation would embrace business innovations with greater zest, yet they seem quite reluctant. Many of the younger people already face a lot of fear indoctrinated and cannot afford any failure. Although things are gradually improving, yet it is very difficult to promote creative thinking at an early age because youngsters do not generally appreciate ambiguity, so a uniform code needs to be adopted to some extent. With time and changing technology, it will be all the more important to induce creativity among people in order to increase productivity. A lot of changes may not be desirable to all the groups, but nonetheless they will make an impact.


Uploaded Date:02/06/2017

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