Change management is a notoriously difficult aspect to navigate. It requires a multidimensional understanding of the situation. Challenges are complex. The first thing to be effected during such efforts is to change the pre-existing mindsets. For this, the employees need to first believe in the purpose the company stands for. There must be reinforcements systems in place in the organization that can keep replenishing this purpose. The right corporate training sessions need to be put in place so that the skills required for the new model of work may get built in. The organization must also hone in certain role models who will act as an anchor for the newcomers. To put this approach into practice, a storytelling is an effective art.


Uploaded Date:14 November 2018

It has been found out that the design or architecture of hospitals or other such health centres matters a lot when it comes to final health outcomes. The layout and size of a room, plus the fitment of beds in which part of the room, matters more than meets the eye. This is known as social design and has been in existence longer than design thinking. While the latter is focused on providing solutions to individual users, the former is for communities as a whole. A prime example of this social design is the collaboration between the MASS Design Group and Dr. Neel Shah. This experiment has been most successful in developing tropical countries such as in Rwanda and Haiti, where the spread of contagious diseases has been checked. Some principles have been identified that are adaptable enough to be used in all environments. First of all, the vision must also reflect on the final goals. There will be people who won’t appreciate the initiative. Their inputs must be tallied to see where things could go wrong. Those not visible need to be brought into the mainstream. Maps to help all understand the plan is one such way. There must be continuous experimentation before arriving at the desired point.


Upload Date:10 November 2018

Business constantly crave enhanced profits, shareholder value and market share. Quantitative metrics are thus designed to curate such a high-performance culture. However, research conducted by FTSE Russell on the “100 best Companies to Work for” list revealed that the one thing common to these companies is their focus on talent management and employee engagement. Thus, contrary to the usual belief, putting employees before customers can lead to increased productivity as a result of improved employee retention. In order to create a growth culture, companies need to establish rituals which percolate down and can be repeated for ages. Gaps in the process need to be identified before filling these. Each micro team needs to identify a champion who will be the leader in charge of the cultural shift. To ensure that the entire team is onside with such desired cultural norms, all the behaviours need to be documented. Once done, specific corporate training sessions need to be enlisted which will focus on aligning the behaviours to the overall strategy.


Uploaded Date:23 October 2018

For long there has been talk of building customer-centric cultures in organizations, but rarely has it succeeded. Marketing research conducted by the CMO council states that merely 14% of marketers agree that their organizations have such a customer-centric model. Even worse, a bare 11% believe that customers agree with their approach. To make this work, some recommendations have been identified. First of all, companies need to curate a proper operational plan to track employees’ customer empathy. The talent recruitment pipeline must be geared towards people with a customer orientation. The data tracked on customer insights must be shareable with the employees. At each level or department, there must be some channel to have direct customer interaction. The entire employee culture needs to be aligned with the final customer outcomes. Even compensation needs to be tied to a customer-oriented attitude as executed successfully at Adobe.


Uploaded Date:23 October 2018

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